
Skyrim sigil generator
Skyrim sigil generator

skyrim sigil generator

The Cult of the Clear-Eyed Mind - a small group of dwarves that have sworn off alcohol. They claim to be everywhere and to hear everything, making them excellent at political blackmail and manipulation. The Legion of the Faceless - a nebulas organization that practices intense anonymity, always wearing masks when in combat or public settings. A group of fanatics who believe that dungeons are to be preserved and not delved in for treasure or glory, or even to sort out the kobold problem. RSPD - The Royal Society for the Protection of Dungeons. Fighting against pollution of natural habitats, deforestation, industrialisation etc. Society for the Protection of Nature - Various Druids, Monks, Paladins and Cleric of natural domains. Have a very loose command structure and usually exist in smaller groups.

skyrim sigil generator

Make use of scavenged or improvised weapons. The Unchained - Mercenary band comprised of former slaves and prisoners.


My Eyes are Down Here - Gnomes, Halfings, Duergar, Kobolds, small races of all kinds grouping together for awareness of Shorter races and delivering speechs and information on how to talk to those of shorter stature. The High Wayfarer is an illithid pirate.Ĭompassion Conclave - A conclave of Lawful Good Warlocks who work to promote being kind, helping others. They offer peace with pirates who run the Wayfarer flag. The Wayfarers - a band of pirates who pilot the seas off Waterdeep. They put up the disguise of an old man/woman, but they haven't forgotten their training.

skyrim sigil generator

The Old Lord's Watch - A group of retired combatants that protect a small village from evil threats. One hundred different groups that can help/hurt your players! d100

Skyrim sigil generator