
Ui update omnifocus 3
Ui update omnifocus 3

ui update omnifocus 3 ui update omnifocus 3

Returns the computed effective flagged status for the Task, based on its local flagged and those of its containers.ĮstimatedMinutes ( Number or null).Returns the computed effective due date for the Task, based on its local dateDue and those of its containers.ĮffectiveFlagged ( Boolean r/o).(v3.8) Returns the computed effective drop date for the Task, based on its local dropDate and those of its containers.ĮffectiveDueDate ( Date or null r/o).Returns the computed effective defer date for the Task, based on its local deferDate and those of its containers.ĮffectiveDropDate ( Date or null r/o).(v3.8) Returns the computed effective completion date for the Task, based on its local completionDate and those of its containers.ĮffectiveDeferDate ( Date or null r/o).If set, the Task should be completed by this date.ĮffectiveCompletedDate ( Date or null r/o).If set, the Task is dropped.ĭueDate ( Date or null).If set, the Task is not actionable until this date.ĭropDate ( Date or null r/o).If this task is in the inbox, then this will be null.ĭeferDate ( Date or null) The Project that this Task is contained in, either as the root of the project or indirectly from a parent task.If set, the Task is completed.ĬontainingProject ( Project or null r/o).If set, the Task will be automatically marked completed when its last child Task is marked completed.ĬompletionDate ( Date or null r/o).Note that a task may be effectively considered completed if a containing task is marked completed.ĬompletedB圜hildren ( Boolean)

ui update omnifocus 3

  • True if the task has been marked completed.
  • Returns all the child tasks of this task, sorted by library order.Ĭompleted ( Boolean r/o).
  • Returns a location indicating the position before all of the Tasks tags.Ĭhildren (Array of Task r/o).
  • A positional indicator that references the very start of the task’s container object.īeginningOfTags ( Task.TagInsertionLocation r/o).
  • A positional indicator that references the list posotion immediately preceding this task instance.īeginning ( Task.ChildInsertionLocation r/o).
  • See related documentation.īefore ( Task.ChildInsertionLocation r/o)
  • An array of FileWrapper objects representing the attachments associated with the task.
  • For tasks in the inbox, the tentatively assigned project or parent task, which will be applied on cleanup.Īttachments (Array of FileWrapper).
  • A positional indicator that reference the list posotion directly following this task instance.ĪssignedContainer ( Project, Task, or Inbox or null).
  • PropertiesĪn instance of the Task class is defined by the value of its properties.Īfter ( Task.ChildInsertionLocation r/o) In the following documentation, consider tasks to be equivalent to actions.

    ui update omnifocus 3

    Scripts reference tasks, and the graphical user-interface of OmniFocus references actions. In other words: a “task” is a something that needs doing, and “action” is the element in the OmniFocus interface that represents that need or to-do item. The Omni Automation support in OmniFocus considers the terms “action” and “task” to be functionally synonymous, and refers to the scriptable element representing an “action” as a “task.” However, in the OmniPlan application, such a time-related element is called a “ Task.” When interacting with the OmniFocus application’s user-interface (UI for short), you will encounter the term “Action” which refers to a new to-do item for a project.

    Ui update omnifocus 3